Introducing EDGE Lab!

Introducing…. the Environments Designed for Gender Equity in Sport & Physical Activity Lab, or EDGE Lab for short!

Never in our wildest dreams could we (Joanne & Steph) have imagined that a chance DM on Twitter 7 years ago would set in motion a collaborative research journey leading to the launch of our lab today! We are so excited to share EDGE Lab with you, and we hope you’ll follow along for the ride (@_EDGELab)!

EDGE Lab is an academic home and collaborative hub for our programme of research and knowledge translation on gendered environments, sport, and physical activity. It is a space for connecting across institutions (academic, community, and sport), countries (UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and counting!), and disciplines (clinical physical therapy, health geography, biomechanics, sociology, and more!). What defines EDGE is a mission to reimagine equitable and inclusive sport and physical activity through a gendered environmental approach. We work to generate creative solutions to support participation and reduce injury burden and health disparities.

The launch of EDGE Lab would not have been possible without the support of our collaborators, universities, and funders:

  • Thanks to our EDGE Lab Collaborative Network for supporting our vision and actively championing a gendered environmental approach.

  • We are so appreciative of the strong support from our respective departments and universities who provide us with the tools and assistance we need to pursue our work.

  • CIHR’s Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis awarded us 2 Inclusive Excellence Research Prizes that afforded the funding to turn this collaborative research dream into a reality.

  • Last, but certainly not least, we are indebted to Nifty Fox Creative (Laura & Sim) for helping us bring our vision to life with their design and artistry!

Our passion is working with like-minded individuals to improve gender equity in sport and physical activity for the health and benefit of all. We can’t wait to grow EDGE Lab into the future with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or to start a conversation.